Advent of Code 2019
Problem 1
Part 1
Fuel required is floor(mass / 3) - 2
def calcRequiredFuel(mass: Long): Long =
(mass.toDouble / 3d).floor.toLong - 2
// res0: Long = 3305041L
Part 2
Recursively calculate the required fuel for each module, then calculate the fuel required to carry that fuel recursively. Negative fuel is treated as 0.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def calcTotalFuel(origMass: Long): Long = {
def iter(mass: Long, totalFuel: Long): Long = {
val fuel = calcRequiredFuel(mass).max(0)
if (fuel == 0) totalFuel
else iter(fuel, totalFuel + fuel)
iter(origMass, 0)
// res1: Long = 4954710L
Problem 2
Part 1
import scala.annotation.tailrec
final def run(program: Vector[Int], pointer: Int): Vector[Int] = {
program.slice(pointer, pointer + 4).toList match {
case 99 :: _ => program
case 1 :: address1 :: address2 :: updateAddress :: _ =>
program.updated(updateAddress, program(address1) + program(address2)),
pointer + 4)
case 2 :: address1 :: address2 :: updateAddress :: _ =>
program.updated(updateAddress, program(address1) * program(address2)),
pointer + 4)
case instruction =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected instruction supplied ${instruction.mkString(",")} ($pointer)")
run(input2.updated(1, 12).updated(2, 2), 0)(0)
// res3: Int = 3931283
Part 2
def runProgram(program: Vector[Int], noun: Int, verb: Int): Int = {
run(program.updated(1, noun).updated(2, verb), 0)(0)
Calculate all possible noun and verb combinations.
val results = for {
noun <- (1 to 99)
verb <- (1 to 99)
result = runProgram(input2, noun, verb)
} yield (noun, verb, result)
Get the first noun and verb combination that gives the correct result.
.collectFirst { case (noun, verb, 19690720) => 100 * noun + verb }
// res4: Int = 6979
Problem 3
Part 1
Coerce the strings into the required data. Keep track of the starting position of each path segment.
sealed trait PathSegment {
def x: Int
def y: Int
final case class Horizontal(x: Int, y: Int, dx: Int) extends PathSegment
final case class Vertical(x: Int, y: Int, dy: Int) extends PathSegment
object PathSegment {
private val commandPattern = """([URDL])(\d+)""".r
def unsafeFromString(s: String, x: Int, y: Int): PathSegment = {
s match {
case commandPattern("U", delta) => Vertical(x, y, delta.toInt)
case commandPattern("R", delta) => Horizontal(x, y, delta.toInt)
case commandPattern("D", delta) => Vertical(x, y, -delta.toInt)
case commandPattern("L", delta) => Horizontal(x, y, -delta.toInt)
case unknown => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected command string $unknown")
type Path = List[PathSegment]
object Path {
def unsafeFromString(s: String): (Path, Path) = {
val (line1, line2) = s.span(_ != '\n')
(parsePathLine(line1), parsePathLine(line2.trim))
private def parsePathLine(s: String): Path = s
.foldLeft((List.empty[PathSegment], 0, 0)) { case ((acc, x, y), segmentS) =>
val segment = PathSegment.unsafeFromString(segmentS, x, y)
segment match {
case horizontal: Horizontal =>
(horizontal :: acc, x + horizontal.dx, y)
case vertical: Vertical =>
(vertical :: acc, x, y + vertical.dy)
For the problem the distinction between horizontal and vertical doesn't matter. However it's much easier to visualize.
def findIntersectPoints(path1: Path, path2: Path) =
for {
segment1 <- path1
segment2 <- path2
point <- (segment1, segment2) match {
case (_: Horizontal, _: Horizontal) => None
case (_: Vertical, _: Vertical) => None
case (horizontal: Horizontal, vertical: Vertical) =>
findIntersectPoint(horizontal, vertical)
case (vertical: Vertical, horizontal: Horizontal) =>
findIntersectPoint(horizontal, vertical)
} yield point
def findIntersectPoint(
horizontal: Horizontal,
vertical: Vertical
): Option[(Int, Int)] = (horizontal, vertical) match {
case (Horizontal(x1, y1, dx), Vertical(x2, y2, dy)) =>
if (y1 < y2.max(y2 + dy) && y1 > y2.min(y2 + dy) &&
x2 < x1.max(x1 + dx) && x2 > x1.min(x1 + dx)) {
Some(x2 -> y1)
} else None
def runPart1(s: String): Int = {
val (path1, path2) = Path.unsafeFromString(s)
findIntersectPoints(path1, path2)
.map { case (x, y) => x.abs + y.abs }
Run the examples.
// res6: Int = 159
// res7: Int = 135
// res8: Int = 489
Part 2
Modify the function in part 1 to return the segments which intersect, making it easy to find the segments leading up to intersection.
final case class Intersect(
segment1: PathSegment, segment2: PathSegment,
x: Int, y: Int)
def findIntersects(path1: Path, path2: Path): List[Intersect] =
for {
segment1 <- path1
segment2 <- path2
intersect <- (segment1, segment2) match {
case (_: Horizontal, _: Horizontal) => None
case (_: Vertical, _: Vertical) => None
case (horizontal: Horizontal, vertical: Vertical) =>
findIntersectPoint(horizontal, vertical).map { case (x, y) =>
Intersect(horizontal, vertical, x, y)
case (vertical: Vertical, horizontal: Horizontal) =>
findIntersectPoint(horizontal, vertical).map { case (x, y) =>
Intersect(vertical, horizontal, x, y)
} yield intersect
Count the steps to the intersection, and add the distance to the intersection point.
def runPart2(s: String) = {
val (path1, path2) = Path.unsafeFromString(s)
val intersects = findIntersects(path1, path2)
val stepCounts = { case Intersect(segment1, segment2, x, y) =>
val stepCount1 = countSteps(path1.takeWhile(_ != segment1)) +
((segment1.x - x).abs + (segment1.y - y).abs)
val stepCount2 = countSteps(path2.takeWhile(_ != segment2)) +
((segment2.x - x).abs + (segment2.y - y).abs)
stepCount1 + stepCount2
def countSteps(path: Path) = {
path.foldLeft(0) {
case (count, Horizontal(_, _, dx)) => count + dx.abs
case (count, Vertical(_, _, dy)) => count + dy.abs
// res9: Int = 610
// res10: Int = 410
// res11: Int = 93654
Problem 4
Part 1
Apply the rule.
import cats.implicits._
def isDescending(digits: List[Int]): Boolean =
digits.foldM(0) {
case (prev, curr) if curr < prev => None
case (prev, curr) if curr >= prev => Some(curr)
def hasDoubleDigit(digits: List[Int]): Boolean =
digits.foldM(0) {
case (prev, curr) if prev == curr => None
case (prev, curr) => Some(curr)
def rule(digits: List[Int]): Boolean =
isDescending(digits) && hasDoubleDigit(digits)
Test the examples.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def digits(i: Int): List[Int] = {
def loop(n: Int, acc: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
if (n == 0) acc
else {
val x = (n / 10) * 10
loop(x / 10, n - x :: acc)
loop(i, List.empty)
// get digits and put in list
// res13: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
assert(rule(digits(111111)) == true)
assert(rule(digits(223450)) == false)
assert(rule(digits(123789)) == false)
Let's try brute forcing.
(145852 to 616942).count(i => rule(digits(i)))
// res17: Int = 1767
Looks like it completes in a sensible amount of time!
Part 2
def hasOnlyDoubleDigit(digits: List[Int]): Boolean =
.foldM((1, 0)) {
case ((combo, prev), curr) if prev == curr => Some((combo + 1, curr))
case ((2, prev), curr) if prev != curr => None
case ((_, prev), curr) if prev != curr => Some((1, curr))
.map {
case (2, _) => true
case _ => false
def newRule(digits: List[Int]): Boolean =
isDescending(digits) && hasOnlyDoubleDigit(digits)
assert(newRule(digits(112233)) == true)
assert(newRule(digits(123444)) == false)
assert(newRule(digits(111122)) == true)
assert(newRule(digits(111111)) == false)
(145852 to 616942).count(i => newRule(digits(i)))
// res22: Int = 1192
Problem 5
Part 1
Simplify the interpreter by using Instruction
import cats.implicits._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait ParamMode
object ParamMode {
case object Position extends ParamMode
case object Immediate extends ParamMode
def unapply(i: Int): Option[ParamMode] = i match {
case 0 => Position.some
case 1 => Immediate.some
case _ => None
final case class Params(
opCode: Int,
param1: ParamMode, param2: ParamMode, param3: ParamMode)
object Params {
def fromInt(i: Int): Option[Params] = {
digits(i).reverse match {
case d :: e :: ParamMode(c) :: ParamMode(b) :: ParamMode(a) :: Nil =>
Params(d + e * 10, c, b, a).some
case d :: e :: ParamMode(c) :: ParamMode(b) :: Nil =>
Params(d + e * 10, c, b, ParamMode.Position).some
case d :: e :: ParamMode(c) :: Nil =>
Params(d + e * 10, c, ParamMode.Position, ParamMode.Position).some
case d :: e :: Nil =>
Params(d + e * 10, ParamMode.Position, ParamMode.Position, ParamMode.Position).some
case d :: Nil =>
Params(d, ParamMode.Position, ParamMode.Position, ParamMode.Position).some
case _ => None
private def digits(i: Int): List[Int] = {
def loop(n: Int, acc: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
if (n == 0) acc
else {
val x = (n / 10) * 10
loop(x / 10, n - x :: acc)
loop(i, List.empty)
sealed trait Instruction
case object Halt extends Instruction
final case class Add(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode, arg2: Int, param2: ParamMode, address: Int) extends Instruction
final case class Mult(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode, arg2: Int, param2: ParamMode, address: Int) extends Instruction
final case class In(address: Int) extends Instruction
final case class Out(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode) extends Instruction
final case class JumpIfTrue(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode, pointer: Int, param2: ParamMode) extends Instruction
final case class JumpIfFalse(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode, pointer: Int, param2: ParamMode) extends Instruction
final case class LessThan(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode, arg2: Int, param2: ParamMode, address: Int) extends Instruction
final case class Equals(arg1: Int, param1: ParamMode, arg2: Int, param2: ParamMode, address: Int) extends Instruction
object Instruction {
def fromList(l: List[Int]): Option[Instruction] =
(l.headOption.flatMap(Params.fromInt), l.tail) match {
case (Some(Params(99, _, _, _)), _) => Halt.some
case (Some(Params(1, param1, param2, _)), arg1 :: arg2 :: arg3 :: Nil) =>
Add(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, arg3).some
case (Some(Params(2, param1, param2, _)), arg1 :: arg2 :: arg3 :: Nil) =>
Mult(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, arg3).some
case (Some(Params(3, _, _, _)), arg1 :: _) => In(arg1).some
case (Some(Params(4, param1, _, _)), arg1 :: _) => Out(arg1, param1).some
case (Some(Params(5, param1, param2, _)), arg1 :: arg2 :: _) =>
JumpIfTrue(arg1, param1, arg2, param2).some
case (Some(Params(6, param1, param2, _)), arg1 :: arg2 :: _) =>
JumpIfFalse(arg1, param1, arg2, param2).some
case (Some(Params(7, param1, param2, _)), arg1 :: arg2 :: arg3 :: _) =>
LessThan(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, arg3).some
case (Some(Params(8, param1, param2, _)), arg1 :: arg2 :: arg3 :: _) =>
Equals(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, arg3).some
case _ => None
Write a program interpreter.
def runLoop(
memory: Vector[Int],
pointer: Int,
inputs: List[Int],
outputs: List[Int]
): List[Int] = {
val instructionList = memory.slice(pointer, pointer + 4).toList
Instruction.fromList(instructionList) match {
case Some(Halt) => outputs
case Some(Add(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, address)) =>
val newMemory = memory.updated(address, resolveArg(memory, arg1, param1) + resolveArg(memory, arg2, param2))
runLoop(newMemory, pointer + 4, inputs, outputs)
case Some(Mult(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, address)) =>
val newMemory = memory.updated(address, resolveArg(memory, arg1, param1) * resolveArg(memory, arg2, param2))
runLoop(newMemory, pointer + 4, inputs, outputs)
case Some(In(address)) =>
val newMemory = memory.updated(address, inputs.head)
runLoop(newMemory, pointer + 2, inputs.tail, outputs)
case Some(Out(arg, param)) =>
runLoop(memory, pointer + 2, inputs, resolveArg(memory, arg, param) :: outputs)
case Some(JumpIfTrue(arg1, param1, newPointer, param2)) if resolveArg(memory, arg1, param1) != 0 =>
runLoop(memory, resolveArg(memory, newPointer, param2), inputs, outputs)
case Some(JumpIfTrue(arg, param, _, _)) if resolveArg(memory, arg, param) == 0 =>
runLoop(memory, pointer + 3, inputs, outputs)
case Some(JumpIfFalse(arg1, param1, newPointer, param2)) if resolveArg(memory, arg1, param1) == 0 =>
runLoop(memory, resolveArg(memory, newPointer, param2), inputs, outputs)
case Some(JumpIfFalse(arg, param, _, _)) if resolveArg(memory, arg, param) != 0 =>
runLoop(memory, pointer + 3, inputs, outputs)
case Some(LessThan(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, address)) =>
val newMemory = memory.updated(
if (resolveArg(memory, arg1, param1) < resolveArg(memory, arg2, param2)) 1 else 0
runLoop(newMemory, pointer + 4, inputs, outputs)
case Some(Equals(arg1, param1, arg2, param2, address)) =>
val newMemory = memory.updated(
if (resolveArg(memory, arg1, param1) == resolveArg(memory, arg2, param2)) 1 else 0
runLoop(newMemory, pointer + 4, inputs, outputs)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected instruction supplied ${instructionList.mkString(",")} ($pointer)")
def resolveArg(memory: Vector[Int], arg: Int, paramMode: ParamMode): Int =
paramMode match {
case ParamMode.Position => memory(arg)
case ParamMode.Immediate => arg
def run(program: Vector[Int], inputs: List[Int]): List[Int] =
runLoop(program, 0, inputs, List.empty)
Run the program with 1 input.
run(input5, List(1))
// res24: List[Int] = List(13294380, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Part 2
val exampleInput = "3,21,1008,21,8,20,1005,20,22,107,8,21,20,1006,20,31,1106,0,36,98,0,0,1002,21,125,20,4,20,1105,1,46,104,999,1105,1,46,1101,1000,1,20,4,20,1105,1,46,98,99"
run(exampleInput, List(1))
// res25: List[Int] = List(999)
run(exampleInput, List(8))
// res26: List[Int] = List(1000)
run(exampleInput, List(9))
// res27: List[Int] = List(1001)
Actual output.
run(input5, List(5))
// res28: List[Int] = List(11460760)
Problem 6
Part 1
Example data:
val exampleInput = """COM)B
Model a tree and coerce the result into it.
sealed trait Tree
final case class Node(id: String, edges: List[Tree]) extends Tree
final case class Leaf(id: String) extends Tree
object Tree {
private val orbitRegex = """([^\)]+)\)([^\)]+)""".r
def parseOrbits(s: String): Tree =
.map { case orbitRegex(left, right) => (left, right) }
.toList, "COM")
def fromList(list: List[(String, String)], rootKey: String) =
fromMap(list.groupMap(_._1)(_._2), rootKey)
def fromMap(objectMap: Map[String, List[String]], key: String): Tree =
objectMap.get(key) match {
case None => Leaf(key)
case Some(nextEdges) => Node(key,, _)))
val orbitMap = Tree.parseOrbits(exampleInput)
// orbitMap: Tree = Node(
// id = "COM",
// edges = List(
// Node(
// id = "B",
// edges = List(
// Node(
// id = "C",
// edges = List(
// Node(
// id = "D",
// edges = List(
// Node(
// id = "E",
// edges = List(
// Leaf(id = "F"),
// Node(
// id = "J",
// edges = List(Node(id = "K", edges = List(Leaf(id = "L"))))
// )
// )
// ),
// Leaf(id = "I")
// )
// )
// )
// ),
// Node(id = "G", edges = List(Leaf(id = "H")))
// )
// )
// )
// )
Count each nodes edge, and add the depth.
def countOrbits(tree: Tree, depth: Int = 0): Int = tree match {
case Node(_, edges) =>
val newDepth = depth + 1
edges.foldLeft(0) { case (count, edge) =>
count + newDepth + countOrbits(edge, newDepth)
case Leaf(id) => 0
// res30: Int = 42
// res31: Int = 224901
Part 2
Parse the example orbit map.
val orbitMap2 = Tree.parseOrbits("""COM)B
Build a path from the root of the tree to the id of the node.
import cats.implicits._
def pathToRoot(tree: Tree, dest: String, path: List[String] = List.empty): Option[List[String]] = {
tree match {
case Node(`dest`, _) | Leaf(`dest`) => Some(dest :: path)
case Node(id, edges) =>
edges.collectFirstSome(pathToRoot(_, dest, id :: path))
case Leaf(_) => None
Path from santa to me, can be determined by finding a common ancestor from
the paths to the root of the object map, which is COM
val santaPath = pathToRoot(orbitMap2, "SAN").get
// santaPath: List[String] = List("SAN", "I", "D", "C", "B", "COM")
val myPath = pathToRoot(orbitMap2, "YOU").get
// myPath: List[String] = List("YOU", "K", "J", "E", "D", "C", "B", "COM")
// res32: List[String] = List("SAN", "I")
// res33: List[String] = List("YOU", "K", "J", "E")
def path(tree: Tree, from: String, to: String) = for {
path1 <- pathToRoot(tree, from)
path2 <- pathToRoot(tree, to)
} yield path1.diff(path2) ::: path2.diff(path1).reverse
path(orbitMap2, "YOU", "SAN")
// res34: Option[List[String]] = Some(
// value = List("YOU", "K", "J", "E", "I", "SAN")
// )
Now try with the input...
val pathToSanta = path(Tree.parseOrbits(input6), "YOU", "SAN")
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find path to santa!!!"))
pathToSanta.size - 2
// res35: Int = 334